The expert reminds: prostatitis younger Prostatitis diseases in yonggang tablets recent years show young tendency, this should arouse people highly vigilant. Attention must youth, youth's reproductive health, first to let the children understand the relevant knowledge of prostate, in a timely manner, doing well the prevention and health care. Especially the university entrance exam just ended, many students choose at home all relax, stay up late, roam network, World Cup... But holidays the children we should pay attention to, must pay attention to relax regularly, not excessive addict network, avoid long time sedentary.

 strengthen physical exercise, pay attention to personal hygiene and nutrition diet. If in frequency, urgency, urine not, dysuria, perineum and waist abdominal pain and prostatitis symptoms, should be timely to normal college hospital see a doctor standard. virility max Middle-aged man is in a "the sandwich, and there is a wife, career, but not yourself" such an extreme ravel life stage, in order to strive for to man the some status and dignity, and he will have to try very hard to make money, although earn much more money, but the body was also overdraft more. Middle-aged man complement boron - prostate treasure

The incidence of prostate cancer is more and more high trend, prostate cancer has been man's biggest killer, foreign study found that boron intake of big men, the risk of prostate cancer than intake small male low 65%. This shows that intake of a moderate amount of boron can effectively reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer. Eat more tomatoes also can protect the prostate, it is because the tomato there are comparatively abundant boron. stiff one 169 Quantity: boron is widely exist in the fruit and nut. American association for the study of medicine, found that a daily dose of 3 mg of boron is most appropriate.






    virility max

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