The ridiculous idea 4. Weight rebound, want to lose it will be very Pink Fruta Planta difficult to A obesity research experts to obesity and non obesity slimmer weight loss process made a systematic observation and found two groups is easy to reduce weight, does not exist the so-called "weight rebound, lose weight after difficulty increase" say. Reliable and does not damage healthy weight loss quantity for each week 0.5 ~ 1 kg. To achieve this goal is the most simple and effective method is: every fast snacks, dinner eight full, that's all. The ridiculous idea 5. Apple obesity and pear obesity no essential difference

A recent study found that: fat stored in your upper body (the upper part Slim Pomegranate pillsof the body and abdominal - apple type size) distributes in the second half part (hip and thigh - pear type size) are more likely to lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. You might be in fat distribution powerless, but can through the whole body weight method to avoid the occurrence of obesity syndrome. The ridiculous idea on a diet is the most efficient way to lose weight The study found that a large number of reducing calorie intake will make the body metabolism into "hunger model", this model will make the body save energy and lower metabolic rate.

The more frequently on a diet, the body energy storage ability, the better. From a long-term point of view, repeated a diet can potentially affect result reducing weight. So, had better not use a diet way to offset the recent gluttony, such doing can only backfire. And, without restraint on a diet more than three days will also trigger gallbladder disease, increase the kidney burden, cause the machine body immunity dint decline, dysphoria, hair loss, etc. Slim Pomegranate The ridiculous idea 7. Can heartily enjoy fat substitute Don't think use fat replacers in the food not fat, can enjoy. In order to ensure that the total calorie intake not to exceed bid only, still have to control the feeding amount.  




    Pink Fruta Planta

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