Note that early childhood diet of protein content. 97% of the hair component protein, hair growth requires a certain amount of the content of sulfur amino acids, which amino acid human admit enough not synthesis, must be food proteins to obtain. Daily protein intake of less than 50 grams, it will cause a serious lack of human proteins, is bound to affect real hair wigs for women  the growth of hair. Prevention and treatment of tinea capitis. Tinea capitis is a class of infectious diseases of children susceptible media fungal, some can cause permanent hair loss. In recent years, feeding the family pets, especially cats and dogs, more and more, and lead to the the tinea capitis incidence also increased.

If parents suspect that a child is suffering from tinea capitis, you should see a doctor immediately, early diagnosis and early treatment.The most obvious symptom is the prevention and treatment of head lice in children Pediculosis itchy scalp or kept scratching the scalp. Once the suspect the children long head lice, hair and scalp should be carefully checked in bright light, hair wigs for women especially temples, neck and forehead hairline. Office of General naked eye to see the activities of head lice can also see the nits firmly glued to the hair shaft. Should go to the hospital in a timely manner, in order to be diagnosed and treated.
    Note:.Good ability to learn and imitate the children of this time period, parents should train their children develop good habits, to teach children the proper hair care. The children like to wear a hat to wash your hair frequently, in order to remove too much sweat and oil on the scalp. Timely Kaigan hair after shampooing, especially in the cold winter to avoid cold citedThe latest research shows that many middle-aged men face androgenetic alopecia majority decision joker wig  by the two sets of genes in vivo. This will help to carry the gene male prevention of alopecia.The study, published in the latest issue of British magazine Nature Genetics.HereditaryResearchers from the United Kingdom, Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands to start testing the 1125 Swiss Caucasians. Early findings show that most middle-aged men suffering from androgenetic alopecia and genetic factors related to this gene genetic possibility of up to 80% of male hair loss. 



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