Filed dual roller skates design inspiration, Mr. Lee said jokingly: "I designed these shoes are the main reason is 'want lazy' You must also collected from the home to the station to go too far away from the troubles, this even more obvious, and I Kitchen Supplies work every day have to go a very long way, too much trouble, so I'm on the germination of the idea made convenient roller skates. "
The appearance of this pair of roller skates strange, a total of five wheels, a square piece of 5 in the order in which they are arranged much like poker. Three wheels in front, behind the two than they small circle. The toe portion of the arcuate surface is a tilt of the above close contact with a layer of rubber. Fu told reporters, this looks very strange curved surface called kicking the floor, is one of the features of these shoes, it can be used as buy roller skates a booster acceleration assist other foot backward force, like kicking The skateboard Like playing roller skating.
Two small rear brake wheel is in fact, does not touch the ground in the normal taxiing. If you want to stop suddenly in rapid glide, the center of gravity can be moved backward, so that the weight of the foot on the ferry. In this case, the ferry above brake shoes roller skates shoes will touch the ground to increase the resistance of the shoe, allowing you too quickly and safely stopped.


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